DVAJ-509 Wife's Story About Her Affair With A Man Who Couldn't Stop Getting A Hard-on... And Made Him Apologize To Her While He Was Torturing His Unfaithful Body.

Original Title: DVAJ-509 不倫セックスの一部始終を語りはじめた妻に鬱勃起が止まらなくなり…浮気なカラダを激しく責め立てながら妻に詫びを入れさせた話 蓮実クレア

On a night when I took my junior colleague for a drink at home, I witnessed my wife and my junior colleague flirting with each other. When he questioned his wife about it, she confessed that she had an affair with a junior colleague. The wife was so excited after hearing the details of the affair that she demonstrated to her wife how to play the same game with the younger man with whom she had an affair. I asked her to do it for me! The first time I saw her, she was so excited to hear about the affair that she demonstrated to me the same play she had with her boyfriend! I'm sorry! Shocking confession after shocking confession, no matter how many times he fucks her inside, he can't stop his jealousy and arousal!

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